The most thorough and up-to-date list of publications I've contributed to is at INSPIREHEP (for now, everything there with my surname is me). Here is my ORCID id, which should be reasonably up to date (but it doesn't include preprints or all proceedings). This is my Google Scholar page.
Some highlights (all of which I did substantial work on):
- Low-threshold ultrahigh-energy neutrino search with the Askaryan Radio Array
Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 12, 122006 - Design and Sensitivity of the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland (RNO-G)
JINST 16 (2021) 03, P03025 - A search for ultrahigh-energy neutrinos associated with astrophysical sources using the third flight of ANITA
JCAP 04 (2021) 017 - The Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations (PUEO): a white paper
JINST 16 (2021) 08, 08 - Unusual Near-Horizon Cosmic-Ray-like Events Observed by ANITA-IV
Phys.Rev.Lett. 126 (2021) 7, 071103 - Constraints on the ultrahigh-energy cosmic neutrino flux from the fourth flight of ANITA
Phys.Rev. D99 (2019) no. 12 122001 - Design and Performance of an Interferometric Trigger Array for Radio Detection of High-Energy Neutrinos
Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A930 (2019) 112-125 - Measurements and Modeling of Near-Surface Radio Propagation in Glacial Ice and Implications for Neutrino Experiments
Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no. 4, 043010 - Observation of an Unusual Upward-going Cosmic-ray-like Event in the Third Flight of ANITA
Phys.Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) no. 16, 161102 - Constraints on the diffuse high-energy neutrino flux from the third flight of ANITA
Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.2, 022001 - Directional Sensitivity of DMTPC Detectors
Phys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.12, 122002 - Characteristics of Four Upward-pointing Cosmic-ray-like Events Observed with ANITA
Phys.Rev.Lett. 117 (2016) no.7, 071101 - The Dark Matter Time Projection Chamber 4Shooter directional dark matter detector: Calibration in a surface laboratory
Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A755 (2014) 6-19 - First Dark Matter Search Results from a Surface Run of the 10-L DMTPC Directional Dark Matter Detector
Phys.Lett. B695 (2011) 124-129